This is Bowie Kuhn, Commissioner of Baseball from 1969 to 1984. He was kind of a tool, though to be fair he was woefully unprepared for the changes (social and otherwise) that shook the sport during the 1970s. And at least he wasn't a total puppet of the owners, a la Bud Selig...
Which brings us to the second installment of "High and Tight," the new weekly baseball column I'm doing for Rolling Stone Online. This time out, I consider the current (ineffectual) state of the Commissioner's Office, and ask our panel of rockers the burning question, "What are up to three things YOU would change about baseball if you were Commish for a day?" Read their answers HERE.
In other news, a tip of the Monsanto Toupee goes out to Trevor Seigler, who made a nice mention of Big Hair and Plastic Grass (which comes out this June in paperback, btw) in his Paste Magazine look back at Jim Bouton's Ball Four. Any time your work is mentioned positively in the same breath as one of the greatest baseball memoirs of all time, you've just gotta say, in the immortal words of Seattle Pilots manager Joe Schultz, "Aw, Shitfuck!" Now to go pound some celebratory Budweiser...