Looking for some memorably weird viewing this weekend? Why not watch Mac and Me, an unforgettably atrocious 1988 E.T. knock-off that tries to come off as a heartwarming children's flick, but never quite manages to find the right balance of oppressive cuteness, manipulative pathos, and sheer banality. Oh, and did I mention the choreographed breakdancing sequence set in a suburban L.A. McDonald's, featuring no less than Ronald McDonald himself? Seriously. See for yourself if you don't believe me...
Mac and Me (which is currently on Netflix streaming) was my choice for TCM's Movie Morlocks blog round-up of "The Strangest Movies Ever Made". A big thanks to my buddy (and fellow freaky film freak) Paul Gaita for asking me to be part of the panel, which includes such luminaries as Drew Friedman, Howie Pyro and THE Arch Hall Jr, all of whom offer up some pretty twisted suggestions of their own. Read the whole damn thing HERE...