I was struck yesterday by all the New Year's Eve Facebook posts I saw that were giving the proverbial finger to 2009 in particular, and to the last decade in general. All those "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out" sentiments made me think about how lucky and blessed I am to be able to say that, in fact, 2009 was probably the best year of my life.
Happiness, good health (for me, my close family and the cats - none of whom had to pay an emergency visit to the doctors in '09), a sweet summer romance, the best friends anyone could ask for (many of whom I reconnected with via FB after years or even decades of being out of touch), delicious food, amazing adventures, wonderful music, immersion in the awe-inspiring beauty of nature — all of those are things I'll remember 2009 for, along with actually being gainfully employed at a job I love, and the mind-blowing thrill of seeing the cover of my forthcoming '70s baseball book for the first time. Yes, living alone in the desert has been an isolating, challenging and lonely experience at times, but this past year of desert exile has also done much to clear my head and center my heart. And if my Walden Pond just happens to be a kidney-shaped swimming pool, well, that's how I like to roll, baby...
As for the decade that's just ended, well...I can't argue that it was pretty rough on us all, and nobody reading this needs me to run down the socio-political/economic checklist as a reminder. For me personally, the "oughts" were truly the best and worst of times: While filled with career highs and life-affirming experiences (including numerous trips to Europe), this was also the decade where I miraculously walked away from a very bad car wreck, nearly died from a burst appendix, spent two years in IRS hell (and got royally fucked by my shitbag accountant — thanks again, Rick Birnbaum of Birnbaum & Glucksman, CPAs), got evicted from the lovely apartment I'd lived in for 11 years, got burglarized twice at my next apartment, lost the best feline friend I've ever had to heart and kidney disease, and ended a 17-year relationship. No wonder there's grey in my sideburns...
But as the new year (and decade) dawns, I have to say that I'm happier than I've ever been in my life, and have finally figured out how to live each day in a way that's true to my heart, soul and gut — and there's no question that it took a rough ride on the rapids of the last decade to get me to where I am today. There's also no question that the next year and decade will be extremely challenging for all of us, both as individuals and a collective people of the world. But I'm greeting 2010 with wide open arms and a smile on my face because, well, why the hell not? I already wasted way too much time this past decade curled up on the floor (mostly figuratively) in a PTSD fetal position, and I simply ain't goin' out like that...
I wish you all a healthy, happy and fulfilling new year and decade, filled with tons of laughter, love, tasty eats and righteous tunes. And when the times get tough, as they are now, I hope that you'll still be able to smile, savor the myriad joys of existence, and find the strength to keep on keepin' on. Take it away, Curtis...