I've had the good fortune to interview a helluva lot of interesting people in my life, some mega-famous, some hopelessly obscure, some somewhere in between. But few interview subjects have been as consistently amusing, engaging and fascinating as Marilyn Manson. I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of his music — 1998's Mechanical Animals and 2003's Golden Age of Grotesque were the only albums I ever spun for enjoyment — but I always love talkin' to the guy.
Some folks think he's completely full of shit (and they're not entirely wrong), but there's no question that Mr. Brian Warner understands, as few artists do anymore, that interviews can be part of the show — an opportunity to further entertain, enrage and infect the world with your bon mots, as opposed to an onerous task best fobbed off with brusque, monosyllabic answers. (Hello, Scott Weiland!) I also think he's pretty fucking hilarious, and have found (in our conversations, at least) there to be a surprising amount of honesty and self-deprecating humor mixed in with his bold, soundbite-ready proclamations.
This ShockHound interview I recently did with Manson was no exception. While I'm used to sitting down with him for several leisurely hours for magazine interviews, the fact that we were filming this meant we had a much smaller window of time to play with — but I think he more than delivered the goods, just the same. Enjoy...