Probably won't have much time to post over the next ten days, as we're entering the final phase of our move to a new apartment. But here's a random selection of stuff I'd totally forgotten I owned, which I managed to unearth while packing up:
A Neil Diamond "2002 Live in Concert" Coffee Mug
Los Shakers' Archivo Secreto CD
A Colt 45 malt liquor trash bag from the 70s, designed for use in your car. (Presumably not WHILE drinking Colt 45.)
A battery-powered, remote-operated "Fart Machine".
Several LA Dodgers programs from 2001-2004, all of which feature Eric Gagne, Paul LoDuca or Adrien Beltre on their covers. (A veritable Mitchell Report bonanza!)
A ton of dust-encrusted cat toys, including several miniature soccer balls.
How much for the fart machine?
Posted by: Fred B | January 23, 2008 at 04:55 PM
Don't be so sure about the Colt bag. I seem to remember having a beer in the car as a matter of decriminalised personal discretion back in the 1970's.
Certainly in Louisiana it was legal up until...well, possibly the present day, but certainly until AT LEAST the late 1980's.
Posted by: John | January 29, 2008 at 08:26 PM