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April 13, 2007



Getting to interview Ian Anderson.... "You Lucky bastard"....."You lucky lucky bastard"....."proper little flautists pet aren't we?!"

Hehehehehe...awesome mate! I can believe he was a shit. I can't stand the Beatles, always though they were shite!



I love Holy Grail. My kids have seen it about 10 times and can recite many of the scenes. "I'm invincible". "You're a looney".

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Dan Epstein

  • About Me
    Dan Epstein is the author of Big Hair and Plastic Grass: A Funky Ride Through Baseball and America in the Swinging '70s and Stars and Strikes: Baseball and America in the Bicentennial Summer of '76, both published by Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press. He writes about baseball, music and other cultural obsessions for a variety of outlets and publications. He lives in Greensboro, NC, and is available for speaking engagements.