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February 06, 2007


Vinnie Park

I love Telly! He gives us baldies hope. ...My favorite thing about Kojak was the stock footage of Manhattan that was used during car chases. If you looked carefully enough, you'd notice that they seemed to drive down the same street several times during the same show, even though they were supposedly in diffrent locations. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Telly was classic, rivaled only by Jack Lord, but that's another conversation.

Michael Ansaldo

I love Telly, but I'll put Karl Malden and the scenic Streets of San Francisco up against Kojak any day!

Dan E

Yeah? Post some Karl Malden songs on your blog, and we'll talk.

Vinnie Park

One other thing occurred to me about Kojak: NYC always looked so gritty and soulfully dirty in that show. It was the post-bankruptcy NYC of my youth, the city I loved...the city Rudy G completely destroyed. It makes watching the repeats of Kojak nowadays a wistful, bitterweet experience.

Dan E

I hear ya, Vin; I didn't get to experience NYC until the late 70s, but it was still way more vibrant and interesting than it is today. Because I still want to commune with the Big Apple of my childhood memories, I will (shades of my father) happily watch any movie shot in NYC during the 70s... even Cruising.

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Dan Epstein

  • About Me
    Dan Epstein is the author of Big Hair and Plastic Grass: A Funky Ride Through Baseball and America in the Swinging '70s and Stars and Strikes: Baseball and America in the Bicentennial Summer of '76, both published by Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press. He writes about baseball, music and other cultural obsessions for a variety of outlets and publications. He lives in Greensboro, NC, and is available for speaking engagements.